• 2015年,担任天津化学爆炸事故受影响个人的主要心理医生。
  • 2014年,担任马航MH370班机失踪事件、失踪者的家属和朋友的主要心理医生。
  • 2008年5月12日,协助了四川地震后受灾居民。
  • 在社区成员死亡事件中,包括自杀、突发意外死亡等等,与各个学校和机构合作。

Dr. Stephen-Claude Hyatt

Clinical Health Psychologist & Traumatologist

  • Lead psychologist assigned to work with individuals impacted by the Tianjin chemical explosion in 2015.
  • Lead psychologist entrusted with working with families and friends of those on the missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 in 2014.
  • Assisted residents in Sichuan, China after the devastating earthquake on May 12, 2008.
  • Worked with various schools and institutions after the death of members of the community, including suicides, sudden and accidental deaths.

Dr. Stephen-Claude Hyatt

Clinical Health Psychologist & Traumatologist

  • Lead psychologist assigned to work with individuals impacted by the Tianjin chemical explosion in 2015.
  • Lead psychologist entrusted with working with families and friends of those on the missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 in 2014.
  • Assisted residents in Sichuan, China after the devastating earthquake on May 12, 2008.
  • Worked with various schools and institutions after the death of members of the community, including suicides, sudden and accidental deaths.